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5 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Tue, 21 December 2010 05:33 «» By: itroome
Dear Irfan Great !!!!!!! Thanks for the help. It is working now with cgicmd.dat setting. Muhammad Aurangzaib
2 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Sun, 29 March 2009 01:09 «» By: itroome
Re: Master Detail Blocks Multiple Master Rows and Multiple Detail Rows
…David Yes, The problem is sloved. I used the PL SQL table and store all the checkbox value when the user change and i refresh the value when the POST QUERY run, In short there will three procedure run 1. WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE. -- this procedure …
3 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Wed, 01 June 2005 15:47 «» By: itroome
Import DB and DB Store Prcedures from MS SQL Server to Oracle
… I hope you all will be fine and best in your health. Actully I have MS SQL Server DB and DB Store Procedures that I want to import in Oracle 8.1.7. Can I Import these DB and Stored Procedures. I have A lot Stored Procedures that need to import in …
4 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Fri, 23 July 2004 12:18 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
How I increase form buffer for Optimazing .Urgent
Salam Hope u are best in yu health.... How I increase form buffer for Optimazing ...Urgent from     Please
5 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Sun, 20 June 2004 12:05 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
Mutiple Schema VS Single Schema.Help Urgently
… Hope u are best in yu health.... I am flotting a issue to Oracle Database experts ....regrading Mutiple Schema VS Single Schema.... Issue : A-9 to 10 Departments.. B-Each Department having Objects appox. 30. C-Modular Approch is addopted for 9 10 …

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